Home »Occupational English Test (OET)

OET is the global leader in English language testing for healthcare professionals.

OET Exam is conducted by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA), the OET exam is an exclusive English language test that has been designed for health care professionals, who are looking to work or study in the healthcare sector in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Maldives, Malta, Namibia, New Zealand, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America are required to apply for the OET exam to be able to prove their level of English proficiency to be competent to deliver superior healthcare.

This OET is designed after continuous research that ensured test content and structure which reflects current healthcare workplace scenarios and the changing needs of the sector.

Since 2013, the OET exam has been conducted by CBLA or Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment which is a venture between Cambridge English and Boxhill Institute. OET exam has been specifically designed for 12 healthcare professions including Occupational Therapy, Dentistry, Nursing, Radiography, Veterinary Science, Medicine, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Podiatry, Pharmacy, and Optometry.

OET Results & Scores: Candidates who have successfully appeared for their OET can expect their OET Scores to be generated approximately within 16 working days from the day of each test. Students who appear for their OET would be graded on a scale of 0-500 in ten points increment. The numerical score would be further mapped to a separate letter grade for each subtest with (alphabet A) denoting highest to (alphabet E) denoting lowest. There is no overall OET grade.

OET certificate is valid for two years.

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